Saturday, June 19, 2010

Yard Clearing

Eric and Cookie headed over to the house a few days ago to do some tree trimming at the house. The palms in the front yard had a lot of branches down and the back needed all the help it could get. After awhile of the palm tree winning the battle Cookie called in the big guns. Lee came in with his guys and cleared the property pretty quickly....

Front of the house before...
Front of the house after. That brings about the issue of what we are going to do the the god awful bars and paint color. 

Before in the backyard...

They were kind enough to leave the gutter tree tho....

Clearing out numerous trees and the so called fire pit made the backyard look at least twice the size it looked before. A few large plants were left in place to hold up the failing fence and of course all the choice trees were left in place. We are really happy we didn't have to do it all would have taken months.

Thursday, June 3, 2010



Still trying to make granite decisions...

This was our second trip to Opus Stone and we only widened our options instead of narrowing them. The granite we like the most is of course the most expensive so we are still trying to pick a cheaper one out.
Way too many choices...
Conveniently enough for us all of the wood in the show room is the same color as our cabinets so we don't have to guess which granite looks good with our wood choice. We'll let you know when we come up with a decision but we are thinking that the counter tops will be green granite of some kind.